Wednesday, December 3, 2008


When did it all become so easy? When did I get so good at it? I can lie my ass of to anyone about anything. The problem? They always believe me.

All I ever want is to get caught. I want them to realize that I need help even though I'll never ask. But they don't. It's so frustrating sometimes! I scream behind those simple words, how can't you see they're not true? I'm not even trying anymore! And what do I do when the message does break through? I lie even more. I smile, I put on that social grace that charms my way past every who's ever tried. And it hurts, it really does.

But in the end it's all I really want. It's easier to lie until it feels true, then to tell the truth and acknowledge that it is real, regardless.

Now playing: Fall Out Boy - My Heart Is the Worst Kind of Weapon
via FoxyTunes

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